Monday 27 May 2013

Cute Penguin vs. Evil Penguin

You know those penguin photos that say stuff like, "I'm gonna kill Batman!" Yeah, I never got them. I was like, what the heck? Why Batman? Can't it be Spiderman? Hulk? Then I dug deeper and I realized that Penguin was the name of one the villains in Batman! And I was like, Why?! How could they compare that ugly thing with those sweet, peaceful creatures? I mean, really people? Do they look anything alike?
Just to let you know, I didn't publish a photo of the actor who plays Penguin in Batman, because that just creeps me out so bad!!

I mean, what is this?!
Are they trying to make fun of penguins? Because if so, that isn't very funny at all.

I prefer this:
Isn't this so awesome or what?

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