Friday 22 November 2013

A terrible day

I think today was absolutely terrible.
If I had to pick only one word to describe all of today's events, it would be terrible.

Lemme make a list:

1. I woke up late.

2. I had nothing to wear since all my favourite pieces of my uniform were in the wash. So I had to wear pants and a dark shirt that only goes with the kilt. What a fail.

3. I lost my iPod.

4. I barged into a change room full of changing girls (it was gym).

5. I had a bad hair day.

6. I forgot to put on my everyday tiny make-up.

7. I tied my hair back even though it was (for the first time) naturally-looking wavy (but it was kinda frizzy!).

8. I need to do two days worth of homework during the weekend.

9. I missed Catching Fire because of a stupid orchestra practice which was 3 hours with only a ten minute break in between.

I saw my former crush on the bus I take home.
I had bad hair, wretched clothes, dark circles, no make-up, and frizz. So much for luck.

That concludes the day!
Have fun this weekend and hopefully have more luck than I do!

See ya!
penguin within, over and out!

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