Monday 23 June 2014

I am a child.

I really am starting to think that I'm growing backwards. I mean, yeah I'm growing taller and such but you should seriously check out what is filling my life.
Okay, remember how I mentioned before that I was totally obsessed with ATLA and The Legend of Korra? Well, I still love those shows but a few months back, a friend recommended me two shows called H2O: Just Add Water and Mako Mermaids. They're basically mermaid shows having three girls turning into mermaids whenever they touch water. At first I was like, are you serious? But after I watch the first season, I got totally addicted.
On top of those three shows, I am now reading InuYasha over and over again and am starting the anime. I'm serious. My mother's friend brought over some of the books that her daughter had finished reading (she's in university now, studying to become a doctor) and I tried the first book. Then I got totally obsessed with the series, which was both a bad and a good thing considering that there were over 50 books in the series. LOL. The reason why I picked up the first book was because I faintly remembered watching the anime on YTV when I was really young. I didn't know that there were books to it, so I tried reading them.
And it was one of the smartest things I've done in my life.
I swear, on page 54 in book 42, I just died when I saw InuYasha! He was just too cute! And I love how he acts like a total puppy when he goes over to the present but when he's in the past, he's a total warrior. So hot! And Kagome's grandfather is the best. Oops, started to ramble on there. Sorry. But InuYasha is the best thing that has happened to me! Adorbs! You wouldn't know what I am talking about right now if you haven't read the series... so I 'm sorry for being slightly cuckoo towards you. But InuYasha is the best and OMG Sesshomaru! He is totally sexy and when Kagura died smiling because of him... sorry started to ramble off again there.

But the point is: I am a child. I am obsessed with characters with Water, Air, Fire, and Earth powers, I am addicted to mermaids, and I am in love with a half-demon called InuYasha.

So that's pretty much my whole life right there.

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