Monday 24 March 2014

Avatar: The Last Airbender and such!!!

I am so obsessed with ATLA it's becoming scary!
ATLA stands for Avatar: The Last Airbender. I know, I know. I used to think it was so kiddish and weird but I gave it a chance and WOW. I watch re-runs! It's really good, give it a try. I have finished it and I am watching The Legend of Korra! It's not that good as ATLA but it reminds me of it. And it's good enough! :)

I use this site to watch The Legend of Korra in HD (Trust me it's a great site):
but I use Netflix to watch ATLA.

Thursday 13 March 2014

HELLO!!! Welcome back!

Hi dere!
Longtime, no write!
So much for 1-to-1 blog time.
I was so busy these few months! However I had lots of fun.
I am representing my school for the elementary section of the french speaking contest (Concours Oratoire), and I got 100% on my math exam! I got 99% on my music theory exam and 96% on my french exam, but some exams we didn't get back. I hope the future will end up great but for now, I will simply settle for the honour roll.