Monday 23 June 2014

Space Tourist

Hey penguinators! I was going through my stuff and found this space story I had written as an assignment last year. Hope you like it!

Space Tourist
By [me!]

I felt so excited, I could almost hear my own heart leaping out of my chest. Why? Today was the day I would be going to outer space! I couldn’t wait. All those days of training would finally pay off. You see, I’ve been training hard for the last few days in order to prepare going up in outer space. It was the hardest moments of my life, but it was definitely worth it. To explore a place beyond Earth? Even for a few hours? I’d definitely take a chance. I remember my very first day of training. The feeling of excitement, knowing that I would be going to outer space, that rush of adrenaline, ready to take on whatever was in my way. But there was also one more feeling I got while waiting for my trainer to arrive. That feeling of worry. Worrying that I wouldn't be good enough, that I would fail the training, and that I’d lose the privilege to go to space. I was very scared, but I soon shook off the feeling once I met my trainer. My trainer was a very friendly, middle-aged woman whose name was Andromeda. We shook hands and introduced ourselves. After that, Andromeda led me to a big room with lots of machines and other devices. That was where my training began. In the middle of the room, there was a huge, silver, circular machine with a small, black seat in the middle. I was placed onto the seat and was tightly strapped on. At first I didn’t know what was going on until my trainer explained to me that this part of the training would be to help me understand what the feeling would be as I leave the Earth’s atmosphere, and to get me used to the rapid movement of spinning. I tried to ask a question, but the machine had already sprung to life. The spinning started slowly, and then gradually got faster and faster. I was whipped around and tossed like I was weightless. I felt sick as I clutched my straps for dear life. After the rattling ride ended, I hobbled down from the seat and got a five minute break to catch my breath. After I relaxed a little, Andromeda told me what my next training lesson would be about. I listened to her, as she explained to me that another part of the training would be to help me get used to living in tight spaces.  I was put in a small room made entirely out of metal. It contained a small table in the middle of the room. There was a small opening in one of the walls that contained a sleeping bag and a rather fluffy pillow. As my trainer showed me around, the only things I recognized were a small window, a few buttons and cords, and a short cabinet. Other than that, there was really nothing in the room. My trainer told me that I would be shut in this room for two hours. There wasn't much to do in there so I tried to take a nap. I crawled inside the narrow opening and strapped myself down inside the sleeping bag. It was very comfortable and I soon dozed off. Andromeda came back exactly on time and woke me up. As I rubbed my eyes, I could see her smiling a bit. I wondered why. Was I snoring? Drooling? That would’ve been very embarrassing! But I hid my blushed face from her as she led me down again to a hallway and I was introduced to my final training lesson. It was unusual, but I guessed it was supposed to be unusual for a good reason. I was given a change room to change in and with the help of my trainer, I put on a massive spacesuit, three times my size and I wobbled over to a shallow swimming pool. I asked her why I would be swimming in a spacesuit, and she explained to me that in water, it is almost the same thing as being in no gravity. She told me that this experience would allow me to get used to wearing a space suit in outer space without gravity. I wasn’t exactly prepared, and I was tripped face-first into the water, but I soon got up and started to trudge through the water to the other end of the pool. It felt like walking in mud! It was very hard to move, but I soon got the hang of it. Andromeda was so proud of me, and it felt great to accomplish something I worked hard for. Back in reality, I board the spacecraft that would carry me to outer space. I strap myself onto a seat and remember my first training lesson. I remember the rapid spinning and brace myself for the feeling again as the spacecraft rumbles. I wave good-bye to my family and Andromeda, and squeeze my eyes tightly. The countdown ends, and I feel myself spinning and spinning…to outer space.

The End.

I am a child.

I really am starting to think that I'm growing backwards. I mean, yeah I'm growing taller and such but you should seriously check out what is filling my life.
Okay, remember how I mentioned before that I was totally obsessed with ATLA and The Legend of Korra? Well, I still love those shows but a few months back, a friend recommended me two shows called H2O: Just Add Water and Mako Mermaids. They're basically mermaid shows having three girls turning into mermaids whenever they touch water. At first I was like, are you serious? But after I watch the first season, I got totally addicted.
On top of those three shows, I am now reading InuYasha over and over again and am starting the anime. I'm serious. My mother's friend brought over some of the books that her daughter had finished reading (she's in university now, studying to become a doctor) and I tried the first book. Then I got totally obsessed with the series, which was both a bad and a good thing considering that there were over 50 books in the series. LOL. The reason why I picked up the first book was because I faintly remembered watching the anime on YTV when I was really young. I didn't know that there were books to it, so I tried reading them.
And it was one of the smartest things I've done in my life.
I swear, on page 54 in book 42, I just died when I saw InuYasha! He was just too cute! And I love how he acts like a total puppy when he goes over to the present but when he's in the past, he's a total warrior. So hot! And Kagome's grandfather is the best. Oops, started to ramble on there. Sorry. But InuYasha is the best thing that has happened to me! Adorbs! You wouldn't know what I am talking about right now if you haven't read the series... so I 'm sorry for being slightly cuckoo towards you. But InuYasha is the best and OMG Sesshomaru! He is totally sexy and when Kagura died smiling because of him... sorry started to ramble off again there.

But the point is: I am a child. I am obsessed with characters with Water, Air, Fire, and Earth powers, I am addicted to mermaids, and I am in love with a half-demon called InuYasha.

So that's pretty much my whole life right there.

Monday 24 March 2014

Avatar: The Last Airbender and such!!!

I am so obsessed with ATLA it's becoming scary!
ATLA stands for Avatar: The Last Airbender. I know, I know. I used to think it was so kiddish and weird but I gave it a chance and WOW. I watch re-runs! It's really good, give it a try. I have finished it and I am watching The Legend of Korra! It's not that good as ATLA but it reminds me of it. And it's good enough! :)

I use this site to watch The Legend of Korra in HD (Trust me it's a great site):
but I use Netflix to watch ATLA.

Thursday 13 March 2014

HELLO!!! Welcome back!

Hi dere!
Longtime, no write!
So much for 1-to-1 blog time.
I was so busy these few months! However I had lots of fun.
I am representing my school for the elementary section of the french speaking contest (Concours Oratoire), and I got 100% on my math exam! I got 99% on my music theory exam and 96% on my french exam, but some exams we didn't get back. I hope the future will end up great but for now, I will simply settle for the honour roll.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Winter Break + Christmas + New Year's Eve!


It's finally Winter Break! Yay!
I have been waiting for this but I have some stuff that I did not expect I would have to deal with over the Winter Break... ugh.

It sucks that I:

- Have exams right after winter break
- Can't study for the exams because I left all my textbooks at school
- Forgot my ski trip form at school and will probably not go because all the seats on the bus will be taken
- Have 0.0000000 dollars in my bank account because I spent it all on Christmas gifts
- Have to write French speech during break (talk about homework at the wrong time)
-Only 2 weeks of Break! Noooo!

Love that I:
- Can go out with my friends! Sleepover!
- Chill and relax...sleep in for awhile
- Practice cello more
- Am going to my bff's birthday party
- 2 weeks of free time but constantly worrying about the exams o.0
- Christmas presents underneath the Christmas Tree!
- New Year's Eve countdown!
- Hopefully buffet..?
- 1-to-1 blog time
- Christmas food!

Lmao, so that's my life for now.
What's yours?

Signing out,

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Important Penguinator Info

Just in case you penguinators wanna contact me, my e-mail is:

Ideas are totally welcomed!!!

Friday 22 November 2013

T.O.P. penguinators!!

Hey hey!
Iz me, penguin within!

So I know that this blog isn't like other blogs.
This blog doesn't inform you of: (fake cheery advertising voice) How to easily lose weight! or 3 Ways on how to get a guy!

This blog is unique, special, and creative.

I love this blog.

And unlike so many other blogs, I will never give up on this blog.
This blog is relative, fun, and easy to read!
So many people can relate and make connections with their own daily life and visual in their minds my (weird) but funny life.

So don't judge. Just read.
And become a penguinator. Invite friends over! Sign in and read.
I know you love reading.
I know.
I just know.
Oh, I really, really just really know.

When you become a penguinator, you can get published posts directly to your inbox!
It's awesome. Trust me. Like, really awesome. Like, really.

Like. Really. Awesome.

So recommend, invite, and email your friends and family about this blog!
(I recommend mostly teenagers or friends lols)

SO if you know what I'm saying, and you like this know what comes after dot dot dot.