Thursday 19 December 2013

Winter Break + Christmas + New Year's Eve!


It's finally Winter Break! Yay!
I have been waiting for this but I have some stuff that I did not expect I would have to deal with over the Winter Break... ugh.

It sucks that I:

- Have exams right after winter break
- Can't study for the exams because I left all my textbooks at school
- Forgot my ski trip form at school and will probably not go because all the seats on the bus will be taken
- Have 0.0000000 dollars in my bank account because I spent it all on Christmas gifts
- Have to write French speech during break (talk about homework at the wrong time)
-Only 2 weeks of Break! Noooo!

Love that I:
- Can go out with my friends! Sleepover!
- Chill and relax...sleep in for awhile
- Practice cello more
- Am going to my bff's birthday party
- 2 weeks of free time but constantly worrying about the exams o.0
- Christmas presents underneath the Christmas Tree!
- New Year's Eve countdown!
- Hopefully buffet..?
- 1-to-1 blog time
- Christmas food!

Lmao, so that's my life for now.
What's yours?

Signing out,

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Important Penguinator Info

Just in case you penguinators wanna contact me, my e-mail is:

Ideas are totally welcomed!!!

Friday 22 November 2013

T.O.P. penguinators!!

Hey hey!
Iz me, penguin within!

So I know that this blog isn't like other blogs.
This blog doesn't inform you of: (fake cheery advertising voice) How to easily lose weight! or 3 Ways on how to get a guy!

This blog is unique, special, and creative.

I love this blog.

And unlike so many other blogs, I will never give up on this blog.
This blog is relative, fun, and easy to read!
So many people can relate and make connections with their own daily life and visual in their minds my (weird) but funny life.

So don't judge. Just read.
And become a penguinator. Invite friends over! Sign in and read.
I know you love reading.
I know.
I just know.
Oh, I really, really just really know.

When you become a penguinator, you can get published posts directly to your inbox!
It's awesome. Trust me. Like, really awesome. Like, really.

Like. Really. Awesome.

So recommend, invite, and email your friends and family about this blog!
(I recommend mostly teenagers or friends lols)

SO if you know what I'm saying, and you like this know what comes after dot dot dot.


A terrible day

I think today was absolutely terrible.
If I had to pick only one word to describe all of today's events, it would be terrible.

Lemme make a list:

1. I woke up late.

2. I had nothing to wear since all my favourite pieces of my uniform were in the wash. So I had to wear pants and a dark shirt that only goes with the kilt. What a fail.

3. I lost my iPod.

4. I barged into a change room full of changing girls (it was gym).

5. I had a bad hair day.

6. I forgot to put on my everyday tiny make-up.

7. I tied my hair back even though it was (for the first time) naturally-looking wavy (but it was kinda frizzy!).

8. I need to do two days worth of homework during the weekend.

9. I missed Catching Fire because of a stupid orchestra practice which was 3 hours with only a ten minute break in between.

I saw my former crush on the bus I take home.
I had bad hair, wretched clothes, dark circles, no make-up, and frizz. So much for luck.

That concludes the day!
Have fun this weekend and hopefully have more luck than I do!

See ya!
penguin within, over and out!

Friday 16 August 2013

A message from my friend, the galapagos penguin

Hey do you guys know those really really really long paragraphs that has no point to it? It just goes on and on and you just read it anyway? Those just waste your time....I seriously hate those! But anyway the other day I saw a cool garden I found it really cool :) There was grass, trees, flowers and so many plants! Anyway, you guys should probably stop stop reading  this because this really has no point to it, I just wanted to type something :) So stop reading it. I SAID STOP! Omg. Stop for goodness sake -.-
Just stop....Okay you know what?! I will stop..  ._.

A message from the macaroni penguin

 This is a very important matter

In the world, there are only a few penguins left.

That is why u need to follow this blog.

Monday 27 May 2013

Cute Penguin vs. Evil Penguin

You know those penguin photos that say stuff like, "I'm gonna kill Batman!" Yeah, I never got them. I was like, what the heck? Why Batman? Can't it be Spiderman? Hulk? Then I dug deeper and I realized that Penguin was the name of one the villains in Batman! And I was like, Why?! How could they compare that ugly thing with those sweet, peaceful creatures? I mean, really people? Do they look anything alike?
Just to let you know, I didn't publish a photo of the actor who plays Penguin in Batman, because that just creeps me out so bad!!

I mean, what is this?!
Are they trying to make fun of penguins? Because if so, that isn't very funny at all.

I prefer this:
Isn't this so awesome or what?

Sunday 26 May 2013

Penguins vs. Peter Pan characters

Hey there, my online penguinators!
I just watched Peter Pan on YTV and it got me thinking about 2 things:
1. What does YTV stand for?
Well, I searched it up on Google and apparently YTV doesn't stand for anything! They just thought those three letters looked good together! Some people thought it stood for Youth Television but I guess they were wrong.
2. If all the characters on Peter Pan were talking penguins, what would their type be?

Let's first try to match these types of penguins with these characters:
Captain Hook...
Peter Pan...
Wendy Darling...
Tinker Bell...
John Darling...
Michael Darling...

Emperor penguin                           Macaroni penguin

Gentoo penguin                                              Little penguin

Adelie penguin                                     Galapagos penguin                    Magellanic penguin

What do you think? Try and match each pair together then comment below.

Saturday 25 May 2013


Let's define penguin:
A black and white bird that lives by the sea around Antarctica and cannot fly.
Hmm. Seems too plain. Let me add to that:
An exotic black and white bird that lives peacefully by the blue sea around the pure white of Antarctica and cannot fly.
That's better. Now imagine that penguin, clear in your mind, don't lose it! Okay, now that beautiful, magnificent penguin is on a laptop. Don't frown! Just visualize him typing these very words.. There! You've got it! Now you see, that wasn't so hard...